Providing grants, programs, and services to the artists and audiences of Tompkins County for 30 years

CAP-a-Palooza Art Sale

An annual fundraising SALE of not-new art donated by community members! 















Program Director Robin Schwartz,


CAP-a-Palooza is an annual fundraiser of the Community Arts Partnership (CAP), held over 10 days each December. The 2023 sale raised over $14,000, which was $4,000 more than 2022!

(Learn more about CAP programs, events and grants on this website.)

How CAP-a-Palooza Works:

We collect donations of not-new art from community members who are downsizing or have unused or unloved art that they can part with. We then hold a 9 day sale!

The sale works well on two levels. Hundreds of people find joy in purchasing and coming to see what we have collected, AND community members feel good about donating their downsized art collection to a good cause.  

(Note: We do not ask local artists to donate their own work.)

The art that is donated is vintage and contemporary, professional and amateur. Fun and funky. Antique and modern.

Work is priced low so we can sell as much as possible in 9 days. Prices drop throughout the sale and are slashed on the last couple of days. 

Location - CAP ArtSpace

CAP ArtSpace Gallery in the Tompkins Center for History and Culture
110 N. Tioga Street (on the Ithaca Commons).

Fri, Dec 6, 5pm to 8pm
Sat, Dec 7 and every day through Sat, Dec 14, noon to 6pm


The sale starts on Friday, December 6th (gallery night in downtown Ithaca) from 5pm to 8pm and will run through Saturday the 14th.  

We thank our generous annual sponsor of the ArtSpace Gallery. Thank you so much, Coughlin and Gerhart